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First Level of Game

Porous Is He
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello everyone, this Dev Log is a progress report on the first level of the game. In short, we re-designed the level layout that would resemble a big sink, and that the player must find a way to navigate to the top of the sink.

Here's what everyone in the Development Team worked on:

David: Created a goal state that changes scene to "Level Completed" when the player enters the region. Attempted to add knockback to the playable character when it touches the fire.

Jay: Implementing the first level. Intergrated Smashing of certain object (i.e. bowl, cup). Implemented the "sea-saw" 

Jenny: Overhauling the input system for the player. Created the "Level Select" menu.

Nicole: Created interal dialogue subtitles UI and the subtitles script.

For the next step of our game, we are going to get more assets for level 1 and get started on level 2.  We will also balance movement as well as enhance our existing water physics. 

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