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Ascendant Dawn 0.1.25

Ascendant Dawn Alpha
A downloadable game for Windows

This update is a little all over the place and adds a lot of little improvements and mechanics. It generally bulks our and adds some mechanics. Though a few of the things don't work and so will be fixed in the next update. 

If you are interested in Ascendant Dawn join the discord

-Optimised map characters

I'm not sure what people will think of this as it makes characters stutter, I'll probably tone it down later.

-Optimised settlement buildings

Made them instanced static meshes

-Improved military tab

-Changed the way research works

It now takes time and isn't a tech tree. It now works more similar to Stellaris. 

-Wyrd woman event works better

-Improved battle result screen

-More likely to take slaves from a settlement

-Fixed notable taking glitch in a settlement

-Settlement pops now have a culture

-Can now have concubines

-Fixed buildings not being destroyed

-Fixed random crash after 8 years

-Improved menu ui screen outside of the screen

-Faction UI now displays military strength

-Can make faction tributaries

Tributaries are factions you can take resources from in the trade screen but will will start to hate you.

-Changed trade refusal

-Factions now send emissaries.

Right now only to request a none aggression pact

-Can now see faction economic output in diplomacy UI

-AI buildings with now employees will be destroyed after a time

-Events tab notifications now show time until they disappear or are forced.

-Can now see faction leader in diplomacy UI

-Cultures now have ruler titles

Each culture has a title for male and female rulers and another set for rulers who only control  one settlement, so minor rulers.

-Set up proper tech tiers

You will need to research a tech before you can start researching more advanced techs.

-Fixed some tech bugs 

-No longer start with techs

You used to start the tutorial with a few basic techs but that's no longer the case

-Added a lot of new techs

There's not more than 20 techs

-Now need tech to change religion type

- Can now do human sacrifice

-Improved terrain material

Improved texture detail and changed the rock texture

-Fixed tutorial UI

The text used to go of the image slightly


  • 767 MB
    Oct 14, 2023
Download Ascendant Dawn Alpha
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