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SyS KillMirror 0.5 Release - Hostile Foes (Major Update)

SyS KillMirror
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

After a LOT of months in development, I present the biggest update out of all for SyS KillMirror 0.5, [Hostile Foes], reworking almost every single aspect of the game and doubling the content!!! Without anymore presentation here's the changelog:

- Added the first boss zone and boss of the game!. You can access it by paying 5 gold to the NPC sitting next to the portal near the spawn.
- Added the first upgrade of the game, it increases your jumping height to reach the skies!
- New music by NoSoyFurro420.
- Added 7 new enemies, be prepared to challenge these foes through the map:
+ Zerpents, basic serpentine creatures, but still challenging
+ Zerpanzents, faster and more powerful than the zerpents, but with a much lower resistance, they will slow you down to tear you apart.
+ Lunarias, small jumping balls of joy, but don't be fooled, they are still very dangerous.
+ Gregorios, like their close cousins, they love jumping, but can reach much higher heights and are more tanky.
+ Voloctus, creatures from the void between space and reality, they have evolved to be a predator from the skies, sliding across air and terrain to catch preys.
+ Coloctus, leaders of Voloctus packs, they are much deadlier and beefy, however their increased resistance has led to a much more limited mobility, needing healthy members of the pack to guard them as they aproach potential preys.
+ Gigantex, ???
- Added 2 new quests: Retvrn to space, Defense of kitten
- The secondary shooting mode is now utilised to slowly leech life from enemies, it's still better to utilise normal healing items around the map, but this offers an alternative after running out of them or for zones with no items.
- Added 2 new options, "HD Mode" and "SyS Mode", by default the game will be in "SyS Mode", a compressed 640x360 viewport mode used for simulating the game's pixely aspect and a majority of the lighting effects. However, I have found there's a big group of people who often find themselves with eye problems or vision problems when playing the game, so the optional "HD Mode" will enable a 1920x1080 viewport with no compression.
- Added a full new zone around the adobe house area.
- You can now replay the football match minigame as many times as you want.
- Remade the game logos and icons.
- Added hitmarkers for the primary and secondary fire modes.
- Added more props to the adobe house.
- Added sounds for picking up gold and health items.
- Added more damage areas.

- Damage areas now hurts you overtime after the initial hit.
- Reworked UI and removed unnecesary elements.
- Pause menu completely redone.
- Increased the distance at which grabbed props are placed.
- Made many of the main menu buttons and text less messy.
- Removed guides until their eventual rework (in 0.6)
- Removed gun wobble when moving to the left.
- There's a health limit now.
- Removed footsteps sound.
- Fixed collision issues with some boxes near the cat hut area (and disabled one of them).
- There's a health limit now.
- Reduced shooting sound volume.
- Removed source code link in the menu.

[Bug Fixes]:
- Fixed invisible walls collision issues when running against them at certain angles.
- Fixed collision issues with some boxes near the cat hut area (and disabled one of them).
- Fixed various minor collision issues.
- Fixed many issues related to audio and music implementation.
- Fixed bugs related to the paint and football match quests.
- Fixed gold not reseting after dying or exiting to menu.


  • SyS KillMirror Windows.rar 74 MB
    Oct 13, 2023
  • SyS KillMirror Linux.rar 75 MB
    Oct 13, 2023
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