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Update 2 enemies

Dominion Upholder
A browser game made in HTML5

This update has brought about some enemy prototypes which can be shot, but they can also shoot you!

A basic enemy that can fire a single laser
We have the enemy drone.  This enemy attempts to intercept the player, firing a single shot every 2 seconds.
This ship can fire twin lasers and missiles
The fighter bomber.  This enemy fires 2 shots every 2 seconds, but also has some homing missiles.  

These are fired 2 seconds apart until 5 have been launched, then it reloads for 15 seconds. Missiles last for 12 seconds before being destroyed automatically

The enemies movement is such that they attempt to intercept the player, but when they get to close they will attempt to fly by, then circle back and run another pass. The drones are very slow currently, but they are intended to be faster, and will probably get a different sprite.

The enemies also gain speed when they are doing the flyby, makes them feel a bit like fish moving away from a hand going into the water...

The game is still very much a prototype, and a few enemies are spawned in to practice shooting at, however there is more freedom as the camera is now linked to your ship.  You start with 40 health, however the UI is not displaying currently.

All these enemies die in a single hit, the intention later is for the drones to die immediately but the other enemies to have a health pool or break into parts.

Feedback from testing on previous build

What people liked:

  1.  - Being able to shoot different weapons
  2.  - Controls and overall idea and direction
  3.  - The feel of movement
  4.  - Graphics of the ship, movement and shooting speed

Dislikes and suggestions

The 'heavy' movement style was a bit hit and miss, some people liked, and some disliked.

 - For this build i've doubled the turn rate, this makes the ship very responsive when going slow, and high speeds will still suffer from sluggish turn rate.  Once the UI has the speed increment showing I may cap the top speed.

Upgrade pickups and weapon changes were some ideas suggested.

 - The initial idea for upgrades was to use a shop system when outside combat, although that is very unlikely to be implemented before the assignment is due, so if I have enough time a pickup system could be implemented in its place until I can get back to it and create the shops.

The area is a bit small.

 - Yes.  The previous test was designed simply to show the movement, a background has now been added so the camera can follow and track the ship, and you will get feedback as to how fast your moving. An improved camera will be added later.

Can we have some enemies or something to shoot at!

 - The prototype enemies all die in one hit, but they are fun to kill non the less, try to dodge their attacks and fight back using the current movement system!

Mouse buttons would make for better shooting controls!

 - Yes they would!  This will be updated later so that mouse 1 and mouse 2 fire the weapons, and probably mouse 3 for a special attack of some kind, when I work out how!

Known bugs and issues:

 - Sometimes your ship will collide with another object and start turning, from then on controls are limited. If this happens restart is the only option.

 - Sometimes enemies on the same trajectory as you may just keep flying strait in front of you. Shoot them I guess.  But I'll probably try to alter that behaviour later

 - Sometimes enemy fighter-bombers only fire one volley of missiles. I'll have to check the code.

 - Player health not showing.

Background artwork acknowledgement

The image used as a background was created and supplied by Dominic Rose.


  • 7 MB
    Oct 09, 2023
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