is community of indie game creators and players


Perth Games Festival Recap!

Crow Get It
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Hey everyone! I’m back! – Jacinta that is, I haven’t written a blog post since the first lot way back in week 1,2 and 3 of our Uni semester and I’m back to give a recap on PERTH GAMES FESTIVAL! (PGF) It’s now been a week since PGF occurred and the whole team is glad that we got through the day. The day got off to an early and rocky start with Shiona and I rockin’ up in Fremantle at 7am to set up the game and our booth. Unfortunately, 1 out of the 8 computers provided by Murdoch didn’t work – can you guess which one…

Yep, that’s right it was ours, after trials and tribulations one of our fellow Murdoch game teams BB Studios graciously traded computers and ran their 2D game on a laptop for the first bit of PGF so that our game could run best on the computers.

PGF opened and people came flowing in. It was nerve-wracking of course, it was early in the day, and we were all a little bit scared to talk to people, but as the day went on, we got more confident in asking people to play our game. We had a few tricks up our sleeve that helped encourage people to play our game. The first line of encouragement was stickers. Each one of our eight NPCs each had at least 65 hand cut stickers ready for PGF! People love stickers. Majority of these stickers had disappeared by the end of the day, and we even managed to stick one of each sticker onto beach balls the stream booth had. Our second line of encouragement – Business cards. The business cards had links to the member information, our Instagram, and the GitHub. We started with 100 of these and got rid of at least half. The third line of encouragement was lollies, because who doesn’t like lollies. This wasn’t “luring” people in as much as we thought. So, while Shiona stood at the doors offering stickers to people, I ran around with a lolly jar and business cards to get people to come to our booth. Perhaps the most encouraging item we had on display was a plushie of our crow character CAWSON made by Shiona.

Our other team members Emily and Zac worked hard to get notes through observational testing to find any holes in the game!


The day was a huge success and many people loved playing crow get it and if they didn’t get to play it, they were keen to find it and play it in the meantime. It was a long and tiring day but it was so worth it and so much fun to be part of the experience that was PGF.

As we move forward into the second half of semester our team is working hard to fix bugs and errors and implement the finishing touches before we reach Murdoch’s Creative Media showcase Kinetica:

Download Crow Get It
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