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Maintenance Patch 1.0.4

Eerasus: Beneath Terror
A downloadable game for Windows


A new patch has been released. This time, it comes packed with bugfixes and small changes.


- Fixed subtitles staying after qutting to menu or restarting.

- Fixed the being's soundscape not playing when listening for it in the entrance.

- Fixed the case of being able to crank dynamo when viewing the tablet if you start cranking it before entering the tablet.

- Fixed hour label showing 12 AM on reaching 6 AM.

- Hopefully fixed all corner cases of the being jumpscaring despite the door being closed.

- The being will now jumpscare if its at the door and you run out of stamina.

- Added a label to the office room on the minimap.

- Updated Godot from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2.

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