Posted October 07, 2023 by DemonicTree
#battleground cleanup #development #progress #unity #community
Hello again! Welcome to the 3rd progress report for the enhanced version of Battleground Cleanup!
I spent most of my time thinking about how I want certain gameplay systems to work in code and as you may have noticed, the viewers from the first progress report are completely missing! (Already in the last progress report, but I forgot to mention it >.<)
This is because I came up with a different idea to use the viewers not as a gameplay element, but as a dynamic decoration for the scene, this feature is something I want to work on as soon as the entire gameplay loop is up and running.
On the image below, you can also see that the previous "kick" tool - the lower right icon - (shown in the last progress report) has been replaced with a "bug/fly swatter" tool.
Blood and corpses have also been added to the game.
The main reason for removing the original idea for the viewers, is that in the final game, it would take focus away from the actual battle happening on the battlefield and it would take away from that "You're trying to get the arena cleaned up as fast as possible" feel that I am going for, because you would now have to spend time cleaning an area that is not used for the actual battles.
I think the game is definitely taking shape and especially the new bullet effects (+ screen shake) gives the game a lot more "POW".
Thanks for sticking around and until next time!