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A downloadable game

Well, this is the first post about this doo-hickey, I suppose. So, I may as well catch you up on the story so far.

I began this in Unity about 2021, on a laptop I had been using for the better part of a decade. After getting a new computer, and motivated by my friends (one of whom dubbed it the "suppository game" for the capsule character placeholder), I opted to remake it, with a better understanding of what I wanted to do.
     Speaking of which, perhaps I ought to specify what exactly my goals are for this project. I want to make a game with the stealthy, strategic gameplay of Metal Gear Solid (specifically Peace Walker), with the environmental puzzles, dungeons, and item-gathering of the Legend of Zelda. For setting, I've decided on WW1-era Ethiopia, with the player taking on the role of a US spy before the United States officially enters the fray.
     That all being said, I am keenly aware of how large RPGs tend to get, and how herculean the task can be for solo indies. But, ever the optimist, I had decided that my current scope is a simple demo, from which I can build up and test mechanics as I go. I'm starting with the basics: basic player movement (even though I really want to add tree climbing), a skyrim-esque character/camera dynamic (though I adore 3D Zelda/Mario Sunshine style camera systems), basic gunplay (aim/shoot/cycle/reload), and guards that can patrol (move from point A to B), sense/detect the player (starting with just visual, audio comes later), and return fire. Once these are implemented, I intend to plan out my next steps.

     ... Welp, I don't know what else to say, so I'll leave it here, for now. If you do decide to play the game, I should warn you: currently, there isn't keyboard support. I haven't begun using Unity's fancy new input system, it kinda spooks me, I'll get there, surely. That being said, Thanks for playing.


  • Sniper Zero.7z 502 MB
    Oct 06, 2023
Download stelf
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