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Documentation + User Guide

Flappy Animals
A browser game made in HTML5

User Guid

The goal of the game is to pass through obstacles to get the highest score. 

Playing Guid

Press the right mouse button to play

Final Summary 

The final product closely reflects the vision outlined in the original concept document. While the basic gameplay remains the same, several enhancements have been integrated to enhance the player experience and maintain a modern feel. One of the most noteworthy additions is the ability to change player skins, providing users with a layer of personalization and immersion.

Despite these upgrades, the game retains its casual nature, making it ideal for players looking for a relaxing and simple gaming experience. It does not require a large time investment or steep learning curve, ensuring that a wide range of players can use it. The target audience remains unchanged with the concept proposal, emphasizing that the game is dedicated to catering to its original demographic. This consistency of vision and execution ensures that the essence of the game remains intact as originally imagined while also meeting the ever-changing needs and preferences of its user base.

Feedback Gathered

During the beta phase of the game, we received overwhelmingly positive feedback about the controls, showing that they were intuitive and user-friendly. This feedback was further corroborated by tester observations, showing that players quickly adapted to the rules and easily understood the game's purpose.

Although the testing phase was basically smooth, some unforeseen circumstances occurred. Fortunately, these did not hinder the overall feedback process. Feedback further demonstrates the clarity and user-friendliness of the game, with testers not encountering any major bugs. Aesthetically, the game's art style was praised for its fitting and cohesive design. However, while the background music is described as comfortable, it could benefit from some enhancements in future iterations.

Asset list

1. Animation - Player Animation

2. Flappy Assets 

3. Scenes

4. Script - GameCamera/ GameController/ Player


Megacrash. (no date). Flappy bird assets. Available at: [Accessed Day Month Year].

Pixabay. (no date). Sound effects: background. Available at: [Accessed Day Month Year].

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