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A downloadable game for Windows

Hello again friends!

Sorry for taking long. But I finally managed to add a major core system of the game: Dating!

As always, it is still a work in progress!

As I'm writing this log, I'm working on adding more seggs animations and dialogues. Currently there is only one position, and one interactable  furniture to have seggs in. (There were supposed to be 2 positions, but Unity distorted the Missionary position animation so the head of the girl wobbled like a water balloon. The first time I saw that was very scary!),  but the system is finally in place! Hope to have lots of positions in the next days!

Dating system!

You can have small conversations with the girls. You can see how much they like you by their dialogue. You can also Invite them to your house at any moment, but they will most likely reject you! So you need to make them like you! For that, you can "win" in the conversation mini games (answering their questions correctly), by giving them Gifts, or having successful dates!

If they accept, you will be transported to your house. Then you can choose how to spend the date! (you can select an Interactable Item to choose your activity).

Currently there is only one (bed), but I'm working on adding more. I specially really really want to add a game console and have a mini game match with one of the girls. Nothing too fancy; something like Pong. Maybe a deck of cards to play card games... that would be cute. A chess board to play Chess... if I'm capable of programming it... A piano to play together.... I'm open to suggestions!

Not every date will end up in sex tho! But every date will increase the Love she has for you! Or reduce it if the date goes very bad!

The seggs sequence itself is interactable. I wanted to make it clean and immersive, so there is no menu. Instead you "talk" to the girl to request different actions (move faster, slower, stop, change position... although since there is only one position, there's no way to change it... I'm working on it!).

So far, I'm happy, not with the game itself, but with the rate it's improving. There is still lots I'd like to change (movement, level, decorations, models...), but I'm glad I got this far. I'm now more excited to keep working on it. I recently discovered a way to quickly place buildings, so level design will be easier now, and I'm planning to change from the Unity Built in render pipeline to URP, which will allow me to make custom shaders :D. This should make making textures for them furries way faster.

I'm also very excited to make mini games! Need to be careful with feature creeping tho.

Overall I'm feeling positive. Thanks in great part to your support :v


  • Added Dating System
  • Added intractable furniture System.
  • Fixed animation speed bug.
  •  Fixed walk away to reset conversation bug.
  • Fixed talking to other girl while already in convo bug.
  • Fixed pause while shopping bug.
  • Added shop icon to map.
  • Reduced icons box opacity.
  • Fixed decorating system bugs (table doesn't cause stutter)
  • Fixed pause issues. Prevent pause on date mode
  • Fixed pick up furniture when paused bug.
  • Reduced icons size.

Remember that you can support me on Patreon :D! 

Twitter here.

Thank you for reading my update!

- The Hecto


  • THEANTHRIA Concept Demo Oct 03.rar 554 MB
    Oct 04, 2023
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