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My learnings With Dr. Physics

Dr. Physics
A browser Experiment made in HTML5

Hi i'm SoftDev

how do i start...

I have a love and hate relationship with this game, this game jam i wanted to aim high, i wanted to make a game that would force me to come out of my confort zone, i wanted to make anambitious game for a game jam... a recipe for disaster, at first i wanted to make a golf game, that at every new hole the rules of physics would behave differently, but i didn't like it, simply because it was to simple, i didn't even know how  to make the art for such a game, so i decided to ambient it in a laboratory were they were making experiments on changing how physics worked.

an idea that i always wanted to add though was a boss fight no matter the ambientation, this was a bit driven by the new WOW-factor, because no one would ever expect a boss fight in a level based game like mine. while thinking about this i suddently remebered reacting to a goedware message on discord, with a frog emoji.  i don't know how this came to my mind, but like a flash i immagined a scientist that was studying physic,  and a frog that just stumbled on the object that the scientist was studying (Physics, Yes i immagined Physics like a physical object, i'm dumb) and because the frog was dumb it would threw it on the ground breaking the laws of physics. then i thought, if physics is broken than the blocks that are part of it would now be all around, disconnected from each other. the idea of using the block to interact with boxes came by itself, like the idea of making this game a puzzle platformer.

Until now this only been a love relationship, let's now talk about the hate... i made this game on construct, the wich is perfect to make games easily and fast, the problem is, that this is not a physics based engine, i spent like 5 days working only on the stupid blocks interactions while simultaneously fixing all the bugs that have been created, at a certain point i had to stop, if i kept going at that rate i would have probably never finished the game, so i decided to leave some bugs to my future self. for the rest of the time that was left i worked on level design and the boss battle against the frog, but then like always it came all to the last night, let me tell you, that during this time i was mentaly drained by school and finding the force to work was hard, i procrastinated a lot during these days and that lead me to make during the last night, ehm ehm: Music(Not Finished), Hint system, Final boss animations, Final boss level design, Final Sequence, and easter egg.  it was two PM and i still wasn't done, though i still had hope because goedware had a work meeting. Sunday would have been my last day to work on Dr. Physics, because the deadline was while i was in school. but because of that i could work the next day too, i only needed to add some finishing touches, music and sounds to the game. so i went to bed. BAD CHOICE, Once i was back from school i had something like 3 hours to do everything, i rushed, and rushed i did, to at least submit something. i messed up, there are a lot of stupid bugs in my game, that i could have fixed if only i had time, like music looping where it shouldn't or the easter egg actually blocking the game, and ruining the experience of someone.

don't get me wrong i think i did a wonderfull job with Dr. Physics, but if only i did better in the final hour, i may have stood a chance of doing what i wanted, unluckily though i think i have failed.

But this is not going to be my last Game Jam, maybe in the future i will win... 

Or maybe even this time (:

See ya


  • Ladder Climbing (3).zip 9 MB
    Oct 02, 2023
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