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Masquerade Escapade
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Woah! could it be! snatch gaymes finished their project on time this year!? We did! Yay! 

This game was so much fun to work on for me and everyone on the team has been consistantly helpful and lovely for this project. 

as for the game itself, making a mystery is hard, let alone a mystery based on flawed logic and blocky writing-

so much of the game was changed during the brainstorming phase

for instance, we had this idea of a character we’d name the “gender thief” and i think their purpose was that everyone called them the stealer of genders and cam just assumed that meant they killed people? not my brightest of ideas

another idea was to make a child be some sort of suspect in the game because children are just easy to frame. then i realized im so sick of writing child characters and this party wasn’t excatly child friendly, and thats a whole other character with a whole other alibi. so we scrapped the kid!

Another idea was we wanted to see if we could color the sprites in black and white except for one piece of their outfit and that would be their color? no big reason why that idea didnt work but maybe next time. 

one last one is that Locke (the dog) was meant to play a more important role in the game, specifically the bad ending. that idea just didn’t fit with the rest of the game-

but!!!!! theres so much about this game that i love for one this is our first game with a song that has original lyrics!! everyone give a round of applause to rice they did an amazing job with our soundtrack considering most of the references were just the crane wives songs-

i love that since bobbs real name is bibble, dorian and bibble’s couple name would be “Dorible” thats a bonus!! (and its not like a dead name thing with bibbles real name, more like an embarrassing thing that he doesn’t share with people he works with)

I love the voice actors they all did amazing, very much one of my favorite parts!

I love the dog

i think the dogs great!

and i really love the little refs to previous games in the various bgs of the game!

Now there’s no way I can talk about Masqerade Escapade without bringing up Halloween Hero. Long story short for people who already aren’t aware, Halloween Hero was planned to be a Spooktober 2022 jam that we had so much trouble with. I love everyone on that team, i love the characters, i love the story but the development process was absolute hell and everyone had a bad time. and i feel awful- dont get me wrong im not putting blame on anyone but myself here but that was our second game after HMAPDM as apposed to this one being our 6th, we’ve done a bit of learning since HH and i think it shows! the development was a lot cleaner since the past 5 games and all! we kinda know what we’re doing!

I don’t like comparing projects but for this game i was crazy paranoid that things were going to go wrong again and i would lead my team into failure, but having such a lighthearted project with an amazing team really allowed me to not harp on it too much. I know for a fact that not only me but everyone on that team has grown severely over the last year so i’d like to take Masquerade Escapade as a sign of growth. I know some people are going to prefer HH over ME but taking the development into consideration, im really proud of what we were able to do! We had a great time making this little shitpost of a game and i think we did a good job! im glad i was able to redeem myself and im so happy we were able to make this game i think its silly!

Thanks for playing our gayme team! see you for Spore Spot late November!

- Booboo

Hi this is goggles here !! I think this is one of my favorite projects that ive ever helped with. The characters are so fun !! Love this game!! For realzies!! ok thats all i wanted to say i hope you all enjoy the game :3 

- Goggles

yippee jam done i can't wait for everyone to see bibble and the business card had way too much effort put into it but my favorite part call (555) BUT-TLER now (don't actually it's not a real number)

- Ln


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