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New Release 0.2.7!

Blurring the Walls (NTS / NTR VN)
A downloadable game for Windows

Wow, what an exciting week! Version 0.2.7 is now live with some improvements:

  • Added background music and sound effects to immerse you in the story
  • The NTS point system is now fully functional, so your choices really matter as the narrative progresses
  • I've worked hard to refine the script and dialogue to flow more naturally
  • Fixed multiple sprite issues and on the CG art, to improve the visuals

I'm blown away by the support so far - nearly 2,000 downloads in a week is amazing! Please keep the comments and feedback coming, it really motivates me to deliver the best experience possible.

Now, I know many of you are eager for more story content. But for this update, I really wanted to focus on polishing what's there already. Don't worry, I'm busy writing the next chapters and want to make sure the script feels just right before releasing more. Quality over quantity!

While working on the narrative, I've submitted applications to Patreon and SubscribeStar. Every little bit of support helps fuel the creativity :)

 I can't wait to share the next story updates once they meet my standards.  As always, feedback is hugely appreciated.

I apologize for the inconvenience of starting fresh. But a reset allows me to deliver the experience I envisioned, where your choices have real consequences as the story unfolds. The NTS system is now working, altering scenes based on your actions.


  • 187 MB
    Oct 01, 2023
Download Blurring the Walls (NTS / NTR VN)
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