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Presentation and Graphics (Week 11 Devlog)

Forsaken Colony: Last Survivors
A browser game made in HTML5

Presentation and Graphics

General Overview

Welcome to Forsaken Colony: Last Survivors week 11 devlog! The main focus of this week should have been graphics for the enemies, character, world, etc. Due to the fact that I already completed and introduced all of these parts in earlier devlogs I decided to make this one more about the changes and features I introduced this week.

Upgrade System

The upgrade system was one of the main things introduced last week but it still needed some visual overhauling. Therefore, I added different background colours according to the upgrade rarity, made the upgrade description shorter and more straightforward and added icons for all the upgrades. The differences between the old and new upgrade panel can be seen in figure 1 and 2.

Figure 1: Old upgrade panel
Figure 2: New upgrade panel with icons and rarities

Permanent Upgrades

Blood now has a usage! The currency (blood) which can be seen in the top right corner of the ingame scene (Figure 4 and 5) can now be spent on permanent upgrades in the main menu. These upgrades improve the base-stats of the player by a small amount; Different upgrades have varying prices and a different number of levels that can be purchased. The permanent upgrade panel can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Permanent upgrades panel, accessible from the main menu

The UI elements for the permanent upgrades may be subject to change in later versions of the game.

Additional Content

More content that was added in this update is:

  • Pause menu (Figure 4)
  • Stage Clear screen (Figure 5)
  • Health Counter
  • Refurbished level counter
  • Animated transition to ingame scene
Figure 4: Pause menu

Figure 5: Endgame with 'Clear Stage' screen

For next week I plan to add sound effects as well as a settings screen.

Player Feedback and Bugfixes

I was able to implement all of planned improvements from last week which are in detail:

  • Goblin health reduced from 50 to 30
  • Introduced upgrade for XP collection radius
  • Fixed a bug where enemies were sliding across the screen (froze movement for 0.05s after spawning)
  • (Mostly) fixed a bug where ranged enemies seemed to teleport after the casting animation

Sadly, I was not able to get any new feedback this week :(

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