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Results of the AI image poll, and: I have a plan!

Joseph Earnwile and the Goddess of Gluttony
A downloadable game for Windows

You guys have made it abundantly clear you want the art. I am willing to concede defeat, but as any good viking I will try and negotiate the terms. I ahve decided art will be a go, but will not be a big focus until the rest of the game is written. As such I present to you: THE PLAN.

See the full plan on the game's page, but here is the short version:

  1. My first big goalpost will be release 0.6. By this release I hope to have all the main characters, big and small, implemented into the game.
  2. I will then work up towards the 1.0 release, which will be the main game, fully working, all main quests in and with a satisfying ending. BUT: no art yet.
  3. I will start implementing artwork, doing one girl at a time, building up towards the game's 2.0 release, which will be the full working game with artwork. Artwork will be slightly smaller than in my last game, both in filesize and in dimension. This to make the game run a lot smoother.
  4. I will work towards having every character visualized. This will be the game's final 3.0 release, and will only happen if there is enough want for it to happen.

Hope that clears a few things up. As it stands at the moment I would say we are closing in on a sort of half way mark when it comes to the writing in the game. Background code is as far as I can see about 80% there, with the last 20% taking height for issues and fixes. I am still working on the fun-factor a little. The world as of now feels a little barren and cold. Hoping to change this little by little with every decimal release.

That's all for now. Until 0.3.5.

-WeirdoBeardo89 out!

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