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A downloadable game for Windows

Well, always playtest your game before you release it as a solo dev.

Worldsim's sprite editor was working perfectly on my computer, after I had spent so long coding the custom tile system! It was beautiful, it was bliss. Decided I should clean up the release folder and zip it up for release on Itch, right? Well, I deleted a crucial file- a simple .png of a blank cube. It was awful. It would cause crashes randomly, would prevent the custom tiles from loading properly in the game, and also crash the worldsim itself while making a map. 

On another note- speaking of bugs. Another crucial mistake I had made was with the saving system for the tiles folks make in the sprite editor! While writing the function for it, I had the interval of loading the preview image set to something like 20 seconds- and it worked perfectly! I was incredibly pleased with myself. Set the preview loading interval down to half a second and ship it!

Well, I didn't check afterwards, and this caused a wonderful issue of trying to load the preview image DURING the program writing the image to disk. this caused a crash. not an immediate one, the program would still _run_, but your sprite editor was busted until you reloaded. Not so good in the spirit of "Not having to reload the game to get the custom tiles in", right?

Ah well, surely that was all the bugs! Nope. I wish. (and it never will be! haha) Turns out, if you pressed escape to back out of the world editor, your entire screen would be shifted by the same degree as the camera had panned in the worldview! fun stuff! I have only just woken up and don't quite know why this is happening, so we slapped a bandaid on it for now while I look into it! If you press escape, it will give you a popup asking you if you really want to quit, and to press it again. If pressed again, the game closes. Cool! except I feel that again, this is not so in the spirit of "Not having to reload the game to get the custom tiles in". This is most definitely the top priority here right now, as the others I've patched relatively simply. 

Sorry for the bugs, and thanks for all the fish!


  • 35 MB
    Sep 29, 2023
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