is community of indie game creators and players


Quick Update: Status and Intentions

SPAR [Beta v0.3]
A downloadable game

Hey y’all, it’s been a while!

The long and short of the gap is: I started a new job. It’s a job that really pushes my knowledge boundaries, and it’s taken a lot of energy out of me. All that is to say that I’m not progressing as quickly as I’d like on updates, but that’s OK!

Now to the intentions. SPAR v0.4 will likely be a plain-text release. I like where the current layout is going, but I don’t think it’s quite there yet; so, I want to pull away some of the layout design distraction temporarily to invest more in quality of content.

Speaking of investment, let’s talk the second (more long-term intention): making this a team effort. Thanks to the aforementioned new job—and, hopefully, some successful crowdfunding—I’m hoping to have fluid cash to hire the following (at minimum):

  • an editor (I know, that’s usually my job!)
  • a graphic designer or illustrator for images
  • a character sheet designer
  • a sensitivity reader

What this looks like? Not a clue yet. BUT, that’s somewhere in the pipeline!

As a reminder: if you want to play SPAR online with friends, you can find the SPAR Asset Sheet on Role!

That’s all for now. Cheers y’all, hope you’ve been well!

Download SPAR [Beta v0.3]
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