is community of indie game creators and players


Important Announcement

Bayshore Academy
A browser visual novel made in HTML5

Hey everyone,

I wanted to have an honest chat with you all about my role as a developer/writer of Bayshore Academy. Lately, I've been feeling a shift in my passion for the project and I don't want to push out something mediocre just for the sake of it. So, after some thinking, I've decided it's best if I step down and hand over the reins to my current assistant developer, K.Bro. Please know that this decision comes from a place of love for the project and the community. I still believe in the team and want to see our visual novel reach its full potential with a fresher perspective. I won't be gone entirely. I'll still sometime pop in the discord and will be in touch with K.Bro about some of the more major aspects. I can't wait to see where it goes from here and to witness its continued growth.

Thanks for all the support and love over the last few months.

With gratitude



Hi everyone, 

I want to start by saying the development of Bayshore Academy will continue. I've loved all the time I've spent working with BayshoreDEV on this game, so I feel honored be entrusted with continuing what he started. I have every intention of making sure the story of our girls meets a satisfying conclusion, even if the ending we reach is not the one BayshoreDev and I originally envisioned. There may be some rough times as I get things rolling again, but with the loving support of the community we've built and guidance from BayshoreDEV, I believe things will be back on track soon. BayshoreDEV has transfered everything over to me, so I'll be getting up to speed and hope to start putting out content in the coming weeks. Patreon subscription billing will be paused until I get things all sorted out and have content for all of our wonderful supporters. I know the silence and delays over the last month has been difficult, and I truly thank all of you for your patience and understanding during this time.

As always, I'm available in our wonderful discord. Don't hesitate to ask questions.

With growing love and love of growing,

- K.Bro

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