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Flight mechanics

KIT208 - Flight Sim
A downloadable game

Taking flight

The decision for the mechanics, was to first make the plane fly through regular PC inputs, and thereafter make it so it works through the VR controllers as well.

VR Camera & colliders

The very first thing added to the flight itself was the OVRCameraRig, since it's a very easy way to add the capability of using a vr headset with the simulator, and acts as a normal first person camera when testing on just the PC, for working with the regular inputs.

Afterwards some simple colliders were added, to determine where the planes simple shape in Unity.

Flying the plane

A lot of tutorials ot make a plane fly were used and failed, due to overcomplications, since the simulator was wished to be as realistic as possible. That goal was a very big reach, and unfortunately far more complicated than predicted. Therefore, after several days of trying to create realistic flight physics in Unity, a simple guide was used; Simple Physics Based Plane Controller in Unity.

First were the was making the plane able to move forwards by changing the amount of thrust applied to it, and making the plane tilt up, down, right, and left. Thereafter, lift was added to the airplane, so that it ccould take off propperly, and start to fly with gravity applied to the airplane.

Due to the colliders of the two front wheels, a nice realistic touch was added in the sense that it is not possible to just give it max throttle from the begenning, or the plane will nosedive ontot the runway and thereby be rendered useless to fly. Therefore, it is now important to be gentle on the throttle and be sure to pull up the airplane at all times, during takeoff.


A simple addition, that gives the user a better feel for the airplane they are opporating.

Effects and sound

Lastly the effects, both making the propeller spin, that goes faster with more throttle, and adding engine sound that gets louder with more throttle as well (cannot be heard here).

Audio for the plane comes from:, using the Plane Engine Idle audio.

The planes base mechanics are now finished, all that needs to be done now is implimenting VR controls.

Download KIT208 - Flight Sim
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