is community of indie game creators and players


Enemies / Interaction / Puzzles

Real World Fishing
A browser game made in HTML5

So this week I really should have my whole fishing mechanic completed but it's not. I am hoping to have that completed next week.

Instead I've been trying to create my own sprite assets, which I have achieved with mixed results. I suppose I've settled on an 8-bit style because that was the style of the placeholder assets I was using. The stage has been mostly completed and is adorned with decorations such as flowers, grass, lily pads, reeds and a wall of trees bordering the edges. 

I have also completed the player sprite sheet. He may look like crap but hey, It's my first time making one. 

In addition to the player sprites, I have also done a few fish.

There will likely be two more fish added to the roster and an additional frame for animation each. 

Aside from the sprites, I have a completely superfluous addition to my game in the form of an original background audio track that a friend of mine made for me.

For feedback I asked a couple of my friends to check out the game and and they had some things to say. Such as "Wow, the movement is already better than an NES game" and "Why does the water move up and down if it's a pond?" (It's a lake) but the general collective sentiment is "So, when are you adding fishing to your fishing game?"

So, yeah. I hope I'm not falling too far behind schedule. For the next week I will be focussing on code and getting the actual fishing put into the game as there really isn't much to playtest as of yet.


  • 8.6 MB
    Sep 24, 2023
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