Posted September 23, 2023 by tirelesslurker
Patch 2 for Alpha 6; mostly a few cases of strange character behaviour
+ Fixed lower concern having no cost
+ Secret maids now heal friendly characters at the location they're in, rather than dragging them to the infirmary
+ Fixed multiple body swaps involving the same characters being queueable
+ Added a teleport option when examining items
+ Fixed body swap concerns not applying to characters that are inobservant (e.g. sleeping) when body swapped
+ Visitors asked about themself (e.g. after swapping bodies) now claim to be themselves, instead of assuming there's another them around
+ Fixed an oddity that may have been causing find character goals to reset unintentionally
+ Visitors working as trainees in the wrong body now gain obedience at half the usual rate
+ Fixed characters ignoring a high bond level when considering a team up