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Box'n'Jump V0.7

A downloadable game

Hello hello. 
This update went a little funny. Initially all I wanted to do was update the UI cause it looked drab and depressing and I was sick of looking at it. But halfway through fixing it I realized I was working with an older version of the project and realized a few things are missing like the 3 sprite walking animation. Tho honestly, I was not too attached to it. ๐Ÿ˜… I decided to just keep going, I prefer the look of the old AOL esc character. Might even give him more frames and a redesign in the future. 
The UI resolution was a huge headache to get it to actually be on the screen at a usable size at all resolutions. I had to redo a bunch of how it worked. Not sure if it works at all resolutions. Here's hoping ๐Ÿ˜€
Also realized my jump detection doesn't work as well as I thought it did. So infinite jumping on cubes is possible, tho hardly gives you an edge in any of the levels. Would like to find a permanent fix for that eventually.
Also I decided not to make another webbuild. Those run poorly at best and are unplayable if you happen to run an unfortunate browser. 
If someone plays Box'n'Jump it should really be downloaded, screw webbuilds for now. This cuts out mac users sadly.. swy. 


-New UI buttons for Pause and Victory UI.
-UI Canvas prefab is no longer part of the 'Essentials' prefab. They are now separate prefabs cause smhw they didn't update properly so I just separated them. 
-UI is scalable with resolution. 
-Game launches in fullscreen native resolution (might figure out resolution settings in the future for the player)
-New title screen
-B on controller didn't work on victory screen - fixed
-no more AAU splash screen - kinda lost it anyway ๐Ÿ˜…
-changed font to comic sans (tried a bunch of fonts and just happened to like that one best without knowing what it was I swear ๐Ÿ˜†)
-Touched up some levels again. 

--Hot Fix--
-Disabled Esc=Quit Application

--Future Features--

-Box collision SFX
-ForceField SFX - Cube passing thru, cube landing on sfx
-Gameplay mechanic - place a cube in an area to remove a blocking door block. Kind of like Sokoban having dedicated areas for blocks to go to finish. 
-Make Collecting Canisters more interesting. I'm open to ideas ๐Ÿ˜…
-Raycast for ground detection to prevent infinite cube jump. 
--Character Animation-- -3 frame walkcycle + jump and fall animation 
                                          -Victory Animation


  • BoxnJump Build 22 MB
    Sep 22, 2023
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