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Axugaem2 v. 0.8.2 - Bugfix Patch

Axugaem2: Pandara's Box
A downloadable fetish-friendly JRPG for Windows

Patch 0.8.2

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-Fixed a pathing bug that was causing a couple of the moving events in Skullbutter's Circus to get stuck and trap the player.

-Fixed Renee not disappearing as intended after visiting the fortune teller at the Circus.

-Fixed a bug where going to the circus without Renee after getting Kortis' approval would result in Renee having dialogue as you enter but nowhere else. (she now has no dialogue anywhere since you need to talk to her again in the cafe to initiate the date.)

-Fixed a bug where going to the circus before starting the 'Rings Under the Eyes and Mug' quest would softlock the game.

-Fixed the player's move speed being reduced after the scene between Clementhe and Renee at the Circus.

-Fixed a couple of visual bugs with the finale of the 'Nyatonement' quest involving characters not appearing and some textual effects not displaying properly.

-Fixed some of the Nekos in the Del Nyan Residential District getting in the player's way a lot.

-Fixed the slot machines in the Del Nyan Casino crashing the game by trying to load character sprites from outdated files.

-Fixed Lani's sprite changing back to Claire if she gains weight by eating the pie in the Del Nyan Spa.

-Fixed a softlock where completing the 'Lilith is Missing' quest in a specific way would loop the quest completion dialogue infinitely.

-Fixed a softlock that would occur in the Grinning Demon brig after the initial conversation with Krog.

-Fixed a couple of minor visual bugs in Westhaven involving the Magistrate's Wife still appearing in the Town Hall during the crisis and Cedric having the wrong sprite in the Waterfall Cave.

-Fixed being able to walk over the gaps in the Sewer Puzzle area if the bridge override switch was flicked.

-Fixed being able to walk down cliffs in Ironridge Lakeside using the blue flower tiles.

-The Mine skill is now only usable in battle (as intended).


  • Axugaem2 v. 0.8.2 - Catacombs and Catgirls
    Sep 18, 2023
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