Posted September 20, 2023 by tirelesslurker
Several bugfixes (particularly for boxes) and some minor ui tweaks.
+ Fixed cards forgetting their pre-attachment to activity positions when loading
+ Adjusted shorthand for open ended ranges
+ Ctrl+left click drag now allows you to drag cards off other cards (e.g. characters off of activities)
+ Fixed incarnations auto assigned to an activity returning to boxes on a load
+ Fixed incarnations auto assigned to an activity not returning to boxes after the activity completes
+ Box cards are now highlighted if a card can be dropped in them
+ Fixed some cases where cards wouldn't interact with the parent card of a non-interactable card
+ Fixed a hang issue when adding cards to boxes in certain orders
+ Fixed some layout issues with box contents
+ Fixed cards attached to other cards multiple layers deep disappearing on drag
+ Added a dialog notifying the player if the assets folder is missing, with links to the latest (at time of release) zip and various other locations