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Changing Game Engines

As some of you may know, Unity has made a change to their pricing model that is extremely harmful to indie developers.

Especially, Mobile, Free-To-Play Games, as Five Cats is intended to be.  following a week of deep thought and consideration from our team here at Arius Black, we have come to  decision in regards to this project.

Our team has poured our hearts and souls into this game in the last few months, and it would hurt us to greatly to let it go. Continuing on unity would mean that either one of two things:

1. if it became successful with our current revenue model, the fees from unity could easily bankrupt our fledgling studio - which is not something any one wants. Arius Black has plans for games that reach years into the future, and we have picked our first line up of games carefully to create a stable financial foundation to move forward with our more ambitious projects. 

2. If we adjust the revenue model of the game to compensate for unity's insane new pricing scheme, the safest bet would be to remove it from mobile markets completely, sell it on steam and the switch only, which cuts out like 80 percent of our market audience. 

so essential, Staying with unity means either shoot our selves in the foot, or betray the trust and promise that we have given to our supporters by cutting a lot of them out of the loop. We are a small team, and have a small audience. While some studios might make the choice to go for option 2 with a following so small, i think its even more important that we deliver the exact game we promised. The first group of people that believe in you are the most precious.

For this reason, Arius Black has found and recruited and experienced unreal Developer to help us convert the project to the Unreal Engine. While they are doing this conversion, our Unity Developer will start learning the basics of unreal using our secondary project, Foxes and Bagels - as it is more simplistic than Five Cats.

We pride our selves on our transparency in relation to the game development process, and intend on keeping players up to date. at the moment the unity demo will be removed , as it is no longer accurate to the game. As we get a better sense of when a new demo will be ready, we will update everyone as frequently as possible.

That being said our initial October Release date is no longer viable, so please grant us patience as we rebuild. 

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