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Love Inn
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Progress update again! I'm almost done with the lewd system.

You can see all the current features in this video (no voice, just the game):

Let's go step by step:

Being able to ask the character for sex:

So I've made three tiers for locations. There's private locations (their bedrooms, the MC's bedroom), then public locations (hotspring, living room), and then there's very public locations (hallways, entrance, etc). The rooms have to be empty.

Each character has an event that will unlock each tier. For now, only Keiko and Chiharu are able to have sex in the first tier, the private locations.

Location for sex:

Right now, when you ask the character, it immediately goes into the lewd system, and from there you can choose from specific points to locate the action. 

Blobmaneatsme suggested being able to see the points, so you can go with the girl to that location and then start the lewd, which is a better idea than just selecting it from a menu. 

Not really a problem, but once you have all tiers unlocked, all locations would have markers on the screen. I could make them small enough so it's not visually cluttered, or first ask the character that you want to do lewd and then show the markers. Thoughts?

Some positions will require specific spots (on top of a table, next to the wall, etc).

Camera zoom:

Sasukiro suggested being able to zoom in lewd scenes. Because of how the setup of each scene is done (2D sprites on a 3D location), I can't have the main camera focus on the actions, as it would shatter the perspective, so I ended up having individual cameras for each spot. When you press the button,  it selects the current location camera, and then you can zoom in and out.

Charges left:

You may have seen, but on top of the bars, there's the charges the character have left. So right now, the MC can only cum 3 times on one scene. After that, he's done. I've done it in a way so I can easily add for the future if the MC buys something to increase his performance.

Messier room:

When you cum, right now you can see a square mesh appear on a couple locations around the action. I'll draw some cum pools and things like that, so it's visually pleasant. Also they stay in location, so I think it's neat to change locations and see all the things around. I need ideas for the mess tho, I'm thinking of also adding some balls of used paper and such.

I want to add one more sex action for Chiharu, and fix a bit the current Keiko ones, and I'll release a snapshot, shouldn't take too long. Then I can gather some feedback, and then return to do events for the early access release.

Thanks for reading and all the support.

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