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Unity Pricing Changes And Their Impact on DR4X. DR4X Changelog #78 09/17/2023

A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Hey guys whats up!
So some big stuff happened in the last week or so eh?

I received 2 additional positive reviews that offered actual constructive criticism and feedback (I appreciate it, folks! Hoping for more). I've also fixed one of the bugs you reported, hoping to get to the rest)

Just in case you didn' t know, DR4X is made with unity.
Now that this is cleared up...

Unity Pricing Changes

Unity updated their pricing so that after 200k installs they start charging the developers 20 cents an install.
Problem is, they haven't figured it out yet and are just "trust me bro" on this not applying when someone pirates the game and they confirmed the dev would in fact be charged if a player say, uninstalls than reinstalls, not only this but they have just detroyed the entire concept of their platform being a stable foundation because they also updated their licensing so they can change this any time and they went and hid the repo that used to track license changes.
Not only that but they are removing unity plus (which was affordable, and granted devs the ability to, for exmaple, not display the unity splash screen and had really handy debugging tools among other things). And instead now, the "cheapest" option to remove the unity splash screen that has become synonymous with shovelware is to buy unity pro, which costs 2 grande a year. And I cannot afford that.

(Luckily, i can 'upgrade' to unity pro for the 'same price' for one year in october, but after that i'll be forced to downgrade to unity personal or switch engines. I cannot switch engines because dr4x has had more than 3 years of dev time put into it and it would be near impossible for me to port it over to another engine without another several months or years of dev time at this point.)

So, today i rolled out an update with a new splash screen in protest that calls out unity.

This whole week has been surreal.

I haven't gotten as much done for this changelog because alongside all this crap, I also have had family stuff going on and I also got addicted to starfield. I had hoped to get FAR, FAR, FAR more done.

So lets go, simpler change list than usual.


-Fixed typos in dialogue
-improved vigil description
-improved sentry description
-new unit portrait for demon portals
-new splash screen
-Fixed bug where if you quick loaded after losing (without resigning) that the end turn, next unit, and next building ui would disappear and make it unplyable (Thanks to a revie wthat pointe dthat out so i could fixz it)

Back to starfield *sighs*

Oh yea...

Shes doing fine, tried to eat a qtip though, that was distressing, (she coughed it up, thankfully)
Heres a cute picture.


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