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First uploads

Tune Trail
A browser game made in HTML5

I have been thinking about a simple game idea for a long time. Ever since I joined a GameJam some while ago where I wrote  I have wanted to explore a bit more how I can use rythm and music in a game. A bunch of game jams have come and gone and I have been thinking of joining but rarely done it. But this idea has been in the back of my head to try out. Use the rythm elements to control the level and make the song length somehow influence when the level is complete. 

Along came VimJam4. I participated in VimJam2 and tried out Unity there (it was ok. Havent used it since though) but mostly I was having fun writing the song to that game ( Please check out the song. Its not all bad I think). I was thinking to try to join VimJam again and wow did the theme fit well with that old idea I have had. 

So I joined, although I really don't have time for this (but who does) and the extra qualifiers are a godsend. Using just primitives for graphics? YES! I suck at graphics and don't enjoy tinkering with it, so that is a lifesaver.

I use Dragon Ruby as Game Engine. I just like it compared to all the others. I don't have to learn a bunch of engine special stuff and can just write my code bottom up and have a super fast feedback loop, and it builds and deploys without me having to worry about it. Convenient. 

Anyway. I hope to be updating the game a bunch this weekend before the deadline. Lets see if there will be something playable at the end of this (right now there are a gazillion bugs (impressive considering there is no real functionality) and the game has no ending really, but you can see the ideas forming). 


  • 10 MB
    Version 0.2
  • 12 MB
    Version 0.2
  • 10 MB
    Version 0.2
  • 10 MB
    Version 0.2
  • 10 MB
    Version 0.2
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