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Update 1 Movement

Dominion Upholder
A browser game made in HTML5
This is an example of the turrets firing in different arcs
This is a GIF of the player ship moving, notice the turn rate is slower when moving faster

How was the weekly topic implemented

This weeks update brought about an object for the player, with turrets that move and fire within certain arcs and player movement.

The players ship has been added! It now has the tools necessary for adhering to physics and collision.

The weapons have been implemented so that they be in one of three modes:

 - fixed, firing in a single direction in relation to the ship.

 - turret, where they can fire between 2 arcs in relation to the ship.

 - turret360 where they can shoot in any direction.

Implementation of the turrets was the most challenging aspect, as the angles must be constantly calculated between the ship and the world.

The movement has been implemented so that you have more directional control for turning whilst moving slow, but that decreases as your speed increases.  This is to help keep the engagements within a smaller area, but so  you can escape if things get too dangerous.

From Feedback

The camera is far back which makes the ship appear pixilated and turrets difficult to see. 

- This is certainly an issue in the current showing.  There are many options to resolve this, the ship and turrets can be swapped out to larger sprites, the camera can be zoomed in, more detailed sprites can be used, or a combination of those options.

 - The current camera is deliberately zoomed out (and has wrap around on) to display the movement capabilities more clearly.

 - It is intended for the the camera zoom to become manually changeable, for the player to get a detailed or more tactical view. 

The ship has unique lever movement for speed.

 - This does come with current issues such as it is currently unclear just how fast the ship is going and what each increment is.

 - A UI will be created later to display the speed, and which increment the ship is currently on.

The weapons stop shooting when the target is outside their arc, this makes the turret controls uncomfortable

 - This is intentional, eventually a UI will display which turrets are on target in any given frame, so you know which weapons are ready to fire.

A switch weapon option would be useful

 - This isn't something I had thought of, the initial plan was to have a simple mouse1, mouse2 click and each would fire different weapons.  It is however an exceptional idea, and will be implemented later if possible as this would also make it easier to field a larger array of weapons.

Background is bland

 - The background hasn't been added yet, the attached image below provides an idea of what the background will look like.

The ship can't move on the spot

 - initially this was intended, 


  • 3 MB
    Sep 08, 2023
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