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Mod Pack - Release 4

IcyIbis' FTAG Mods
A browser mod made in HTML5



  • Default mods - Made some mods checked by default when setting up a new save. I thought it would be best to have the normal content-adding mods automatically on, to save players having to look into each one to see what it does.

Spellbook Selection

Made a new mod that adds a small selection of new spells to the game (whose effects I couldn't find a place for in the upcoming grab bag mod ;P).

Check out the mod's page for info on the spells.

Fixes and Edits

  • Spell stuff - Most of this update was focused on boring edits to the spell system (I wonder why that might be? 🤔). The non-interesting internal edits stuff has the titles italicised, so you know they're safe to skip ;P
    • Most recent cast - During combat, your most recently cast spell now appears at the top of the spells list, for all you spell spammers.
    • Douse spell edits - Douse spell no longer deals damage, as I think was intended based on both the description and its functionality in the original FTAG. I've dared to increase the effect's duration by 1 more turn - with the original duration it'd work out that you'd deal 3x damage across 3 turns, which is functionally the same as just attacking for 3 turns. Sure, soak could be seen as a way to discount mana costs, but with its drawback of also ending burn, I thought (rightfully or otherwise) it could do with a little boost.
    • Spell storage - Changed how spells are stored and saved, which'll make them easier to handle, update, and cut down on a bit of save file bloat. Players' learned spells from the base game will automatically be ported to the new system, with mods being left to do the same for their own.
    • More spell costs - Spells can now cost more than just mana - health, stamina, and gold are all possible costs.
    • Easier custom effects - Made a standardised place for spells to define their own custom logic.
    • Spell configuration - Added the start of a system to allow players to alter the way they cast spells, but not much has been standardised yet.
  • Weapon proc fixes - Weapons with procs will trigger now. Since there's only 2 weapons with procs, I hadn't noticed they were missing. So yes, that special life-draining sword will now actually drain life. The information about their effects and status chances should be listed in the items' descriptions.
  • Damage effectiveness reports - You'll get notices if the damage you're dealing is super/not very effective when dealing damage in any form (from spells, or weapon attacks). Previously, the system only reported it for spell damage. How many of you didn't know that weaknesses and resistances were a thing because of that? ;P
  • Burn status edits - Modified the burn status effect when used on enemies, so weaker burn procs won't overwrite existing strong ones. Instead, the highest damage between the two is used, and the burning duration will be the highest between the new proc's duration, or the remaining burn time.
  • Height effects - Made it possible for spells and effects to temporarily alter the player's height... even though nothing, not even my grow/shrink spell, uses it xP
  • Misc. other fixes - Fixed some other random things, including the price of Milk Jugs.

Feeder Expansion

  • Ported spells to new system
  • Fixed the Creatorium being available when the mod is disabled (oops)

What's next?

I'm going to be taking a bit of hiatus to hopefully develop a small visual novel with a fellow fat AI director :3 (If/)When I return, the focus will either be on making a mod to handle equipment upgrades, or going straight into the grab bag mod, which'll consist of actual new content to play! :o


  • Modpack - Release 4 - Local 5 MB
    Sep 15, 2023
  • Modpack - Release 5 MB
    Sep 15, 2023
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