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Road to Conway Update 7!

A downloadable game

Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing alright.

We skipped the middle-of-the-month preview last time around. Being out and about and returning on the 15th or so, it felt like the time was better used on the game itself, and also, I just didn't quite know well enough what the month would even become. The first few days of each month usually involve some planning, some tying up loose ends from the last update, like stuff that didn't quite make it for example. And of course, the character Portraits also tend to get done early in the month, which just usually don't need much to say about them.

But let's get it back on track this month with a little preview of what to expect in the upcoming update.
Update 7 and 8 are mainly story updates, with 7 bringing several of the characters of the characters some important steps forward, some more in a more obvious fashion, others less so. But it's certainly the part I'm the most happy with with this one! So hopefully that will be good fun for you all.

And well, there'll be another neat little surprise that'll greet you right on startup! Again nothing that'll change much in the grand scheme of things, but just adding more and more of those little bits and pieces to make it feel like a proper game! So another thing to keep your senses peeled for. :)

Naturally there is more still, but let's leave it at that for now! I am going to need something to talk about during the actual release post after all.

As always, thank you very very much for playing the game and I hope you're all enjoying it so far! Now we're reaching the part where it doesn't quite feel like a new project anymore and is actually feeling more like a little world. With people telling me that they enjoy this or that character, or this or that little detail they noticed. It's absolutely lovely to see. :)

And of course, if you do want to support the project you can do so over at
It's greatly appreciated and of course, you do get neat stuff like early access to releases, or step by step files for the art and more.

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