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3.0.0 - Plugin Restructure

Grid Building Plugin for Godot 4
A browser asset pack made in HTML5

IMPORTANT: If updating plugin from 2.2.1 or earlier, backup your game project. There are breaking changes in this update.

Upgrade Guide

  1. Backup your game project
  2. Disable Grid Building plugin in the project settings menu to remove any class_name references temporarily.
  3. Remove addons/grid_builder addons folder
  4. Replace folder with the new version at addons/grid_building (This gives a fresh start to the directory. Some older classes are moved or removed. This helps avoid file conflicts)
  5. If you have scripts or scenes referencing the old plugin files, you likely will have missing file paths. In this update, I updated directory and file names to all be snake_case in line with Godot best coding practices. Hopefully, this should be the only time I have to make such changes.
  6. If you were using (or want to use) the basic grid builder inventory (ItemContainer) for SpendMaterialsRule or SpendMaterialsRuleGeneric, you will want to download grid_building_inventory as well. Install this as a seperate plugin at addons/grid_building_inventory. Don't forget to enable your plugins in project settings. Otherwise, you can use SpendMaterialsRuleGeneric optionally with using virtual_item_container (res://addons/grid_building/building_system/virtual/ to build your compatible inventory system. (You can also build your own custom spend rule from scratch if needed too just by extending BuildingRule)
  7. SpendMaterialsRuleGeneric properties changed a lot for usability reasons. If you were using it, you will need up update each placeable. This should be worth it though, because the new implementation is much better for finding your inventory classes and setting up item spend stacks using generic resources.

Fixing File Path Errors

If you get file not found errors like these, especially with the old grid_building paths that contain capitalized paths like /BuildingSystem/. Then you'll need to update the file references. I found Visual Studio Codes find and replace feature very helpful for this by taking the bad paths and replacing it with the new updated paths across the project. This is in the search tab (2nd on the left from the top). These happen with this update because I changed all of the file paths to have snake_case in line with Godot best practices.

Patch Notes v3.0.0


  • Hotfix for tile collision indicator generation on tilemaps not centered at 0,0. They should generate properly now.


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