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So, 4SA is out. Now what? (Schedule, sprites & more)

Four Seasons Apart
A downloadable visual novel for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Here we are! A new, bonafide FVN project. But this is only the start right? So let us go over some future improvements and scheduled releases.


Firstly let's talk about how 4SA's future content will be released. Usually FVNs will aim for a monthly release, and while that works for some creators, I cannot guarantee this project will meet that quota.  I will try to release new content monthly, but don't expect that to be the norm. This November, for example, I intend to participate in the NaNoWriMo challenge, so no work will be done on 4SA then. Plus, I intend to take a moth of break between the aforementioned parts.

Other than that, I can present here the release plan. Seasons are important for the story of 4SA, so the story will be divided in four major "parts" each named for the season they take place in. Each of those parts will be comprised of three "Chapters;" each new release will be based on these chapters.

So we can visualize the whole thing like this:

Release Part Content
0.1.0 Part 1 Cotswolds Summer Chapter 1
0.2.0 Part 1 Cotswolds Summer Chapter 2
0.3.0 Part 1 Cotswolds Summer Chapter 3
0.4.0 Part 2 Londoner Autumn Chapter 4
0.5.0 Part 2 Londoner Autumn Chapter 5
0.6.0 Part 2 Londoner Autumn Chapter 6
0.7.0 Part 3 ??? Winter Chapter 7
0.8.0 Part 3 ??? Winter Chapter 8
0.9.0 Part 3 ??? Winter Chapter 9
0.10.0 Part 4 ??? Spring Chapter 10
0.11.0 Part 4 ??? Spring Chapter 11
0.12.0 Part 4 ??? Spring Chapter 12
1.0.0 Epilogue Epilogue

As you can tell, it's quite the big project, but I hope the story will captivate you to follow along!


If you already played the game before reading this, (first of all: thank you very much) you may have noticed a lack of choices, which are seen as the "gameplay" of Visual Novels. This game will have choices and allow for player input, but I want a different approach. 

Rather than choosing the path the story takes, readers will be able to customize the NSFW scenes. This should grant you control on how the characters act in their most intimate moments and make them much more special. Some of your choices might even be mentioned in the main story, but its outcome will remain the same.


This may come as a surprise, but I did not forget to include the sprites before release, this project is indeed sprite-less for the moment. For the moment being the important part here. Thing is, hiring an artist costs money, sums I do not actually possess at the moment, however, this may change with the popularity of this project. 

I'm willing to pump out my own money for this project, but I need to know there will be interest in the first place. And this isn't about "getting a return on investment" or "making a profit," but rather I want the security that this work will be appreciated by an audience, rather than having an artist work on something that is of no interest to the public.

So, what I'm saying is: if you like this story, share it around. I have already been in contact with many artists, so the moment I feel the interest in 4SA is big enough, I'll get to work on hiring someone. 

And that is all I have to say for now. I thank everyone for reading this and for enjoying all of my content!
Take care!


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