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Chapter 4: Week 37 progress

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hey, Homies!

A lot of scripting was done since the last report as my computer was stuck running animations for most of the week.  Unfortunately, I had to abandon one of my animations halfway through because of some glaring hair glitches.  Thankfully, I was able to reposition the camera and move her hair around so it was only the 12+h of render time that was wasted and not the headache of the actual animating as well.  Think my GPU is dying, but we'll have to wait and see.

With regards to Scene 3, I unfortunately had to cut a portion of this scene.  I say "unfortunately" because it was going to be a lot of fun, but it wasn't exactly vital, and cutting it means that all of the heavy lifting for the scene will be finished after the animation I'm running right now.  I still have some smaller sections of the scene to finish, but compared to what was cut/what's already finished, they're relatively small.

That's all for this week.  Stay safe everyone!
Much love!

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