Alpha 1.1.2 Updates and Fixes
Posted September 11, 2023 by Vectory Games
#interactive fiction #rpg #open world #text based #adventure #NPCs
Hello fellow gamers and developers!
I'm hoping to get some feedback on Castle Moldvay. Let me know about your play experience or any bugs you encounter in this Alpha Test version!
Fixes for Alpha 1.1.2:
- NPCs met in the wilderness (randomly rolled) are now fully equipped as they should be! For those who are interested there is a 7/12 chance of meeting a fellow adventurer in certain biomes during daylight hours. You can fight these NPCs and take their stuff, ask them questions about the world, or ask them to join your party. Right now, all NPCs will join (even if you fight them, flee and come back later). In the next update I will be adding reaction rolls based on the lead PC's charisma score . BTW, the "lead PC" is the PC listed as #1 in your party.
- The "ghost NPC issue" has also been fixed.
- The descriptive language around creatures who don't use weapons in melee (such as wild cats and giant lizards) has changed. Basically, the combat engine knows when any combatant is wielding a weapon vs fighting bare handed. Monsters have their own special weapons such as "claws and teeth" or "tentacles." These are all pre-determined in a static class known as "monsterManual" where data for all the various monsters types are stored.
Features to be added in the next update:
- Reaction rolls for NPCs and monsters
- A command to re-order the party (the lead PC "speaks for all" )
- A few new monsters to be added. There are currently 24 monster types
- A few new spells to be added and implemented. There are currently 21 spells implemented. Type "list spells" in the parser to see what's been implemented so far!
- A few new special tactics (innate powers) to be implemented for monsters. There are currently 6: turn unholy types, hide, touch paralysis, fly and frenzy
Here's hoping for some constructive feedback!
I'm not sure how many lines of code I've typed in this project so far... somewhere around 10,000+???
Did I mention that Castle Moldvay will be a windows downloadable build when it is finished?