Posted September 10, 2023 by Madbit
Now after a long time an update from AgkSharp. The update interval of TGC is somewhat tough. I thought I can create my own update. In this update I brought a new 2d render object with over 50 new commands.
This new render object is called Shape. Not to be confused with the collision shapes in the sprites. It is a freely definable shape. It resembles a sprite in a way. A sprite is usually rendered only as a quad. A quad usually consists of four vertieces and corresponding UV coordinates, which are usually also squared on an image.
This is where the shape differs from the sprite.
These are the main differences. Most of the commands are similar to Sprite. You also have the possibility to create prefabricated shapes. When you create a prefabricated shape, the corresponding UV coordinates are automatically created.
In the ZIP there is a new folder Doc. There you will find the documentation of the new commands.