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The Lost Devlog #3

The Lost
A downloadable game


For the first half or so of 2023, we have been focusing mostly on the terrain, and animal AI, with a few minor things such as quality and touch ups. We are proud of what we’ve accomplished so far. We have finished our first terrain scene, with the only thing left to do is focus on small detail, caves, rivers etc. We plan to fill up the caves with detail and a bunch to do, such as gathering materials, fight monsters and a bunch more. After we fully finish the terrain by completing the caves, rivers, and small details, we plan to continue our development to fully focus on other things such as multiplayer, swimming and more to make the experience more authentic.


There have been small improvements for multiplayer. But we are nearing the opening of multiplayer tests to testers soon. We will keep you updated


We also have heavily focused on animal ai. Here are the animals we have made and integrated into the game. 

From left to right: Bear, Wolf, Fox, Deer, Boar

We plan to integrate more species of Deer, Bear, and foxes. Along with more animals such as the Crocodile, Lion, Zebra, birds, rabbits, along with even more to really immerse you into the survival aspect.


We have also been focused on adding monsters you run into around the map during the story, quests, and more.


Even though we've been busy focusing on other stuff and areas of the game, we haven't forgotten about our console lovers. We are excited to announce that we will be officially launching on the PlayStation 5, and the Xbox Series X|S. Along with on the PC versions of the game there will be [b]full controller support[/b]. We will keep you updated on the status of the console versions.


Over the past few months we have ran multiple tests, internally, and with external testers. As we near closer to release into release year, we will open up a few tests to help with optimization, feedback, and bugs. Our goal is to minimize bugs, and create an overall fun experience.

That is it for now. We will keep you updated in the upcoming months on development as things are getting exciting! See ya gamers and until next time!

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