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Kids of Iron Country Unite!

Hunters, Inc.
A downloadable hack

So, I wasn't going to launch Hunters, Inc. until the jam started, but I just couldn't wait. So here it is two days early.

Hunters, Inc. is a lightweight hack of Bump in the Dark by way of Slugblaster Turbo X, and it's my brief but hopefully powerful love letter to the kids-solving-supernatural-mysteries genre, particularly Scooby-Doo: Mystery, Incorporated but also things like Eerie, IndianaGravity FallsTrollhuntersPaper Girls, Alex Mack, Ghostwriter, and the lighter side of Buffy. It's also a love letter to Slugblaster which is in my opinion the best game to come out in the past couple of years (I'm not the only one who thinks so). 

This is a smaller game in most ways -- hell, it clocks in at only three pages -- but I think a lot of the ways things are implemented works well and would inform a revised or second edition of Bump if there ever is such a thing. My goals are that it's easy to pick up as a new player, that it's quick to the table, and that it reduces the GM load that comes with preparing hunts/mysteries. Whether it meets those goals is another story, but I'm optimistic.

Anyway, check it out, throw me a couple bucks if you want, and let me know what you think!


  • Hunters_Inc.pdf 423 kB
    Sep 09, 2023
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