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Ninja Ragdoll v0.1.0 : Steam Integration

Ninja Burglary
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello all!

Ninja Ragdoll 0.1.0 contains steam integration for the game.
That means no more sharing IP addresses and port forwarding (yay!)

It also means that players are now required to have a steam account in order to play Ninja Ragdoll.
While Ninja Ragdoll is not distributed on steam, simply log on to the steam app and leave it running in the background.
While playing, it'll show on steam that you are playing "Space war", it is the test game for steam integration and will be used until Ninja Ragdoll is distributed on the steam store.

You will find a new friend list on the main menu that will contain your steam friends.
If one of your friends is hosting a game, a join button will appear in the friend list that will let you easily join the lobby.

There are still issues and bugs that will be addressed in the near future, but this is enough to start playing with friends!


  • 96 MB
    Version 0.1.0
Download Ninja Burglary
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