is community of indie game creators and players


First milestone!

A downloadable game for Windows

Hi!, we said we would be back soon and here we are!

Today is a big day for our developing journey because we have uploaded our first playable build! (for both Windows and Linux).

What we have ain't much but it's honest work, and it has been a lot of fun to make (even if we had some silly bugs) and a great learning experience for online multiplayer game development and the Godot engine.

In these past 2 weeks or so of development we implemented a first person controller with running and a wonky wall jumping mechanic. We also made a basic map for testing with walls and one (1) prop that you can climb on top of (Wow!). Player models for two different characters have been implemented, they are not animated yet but at least you can intimidate the other player with your T-posing stance.

Making this first demo has teached us a lot about the workflow when using the Godot engine and the new challenges that arise when making and debugging a multiplayer game, a "fun" example was that when we implemented different spawn locations for both of our characters, both windows showed the exact same location, and we kept thinking that they weren't in the desired spawn point (even tho the debugger said otherwise), after some thinking, we realized that the character was set up correctly... but our camera wasn't!, this was confirmed when our capsule shaped friend controlled by us showed up on the screen, so from now on we will always check our cameras when instantiating a new player.

If you want to play our demo, you will have to open two instances of the game, one as a host and other as a client, and the client will connect to the "localhost" or If you want to play on two different computers, you will have to be connected on the same network and join the ipv4 of the host player. If you follow those steps, voilá!, you'll be able to enjoy our humble creation.

In the future we will work on implementing animations for our characters, the game mechanics and the artstyle (thanks to  Kay Lousberg for the playermodels!).

You can find links to the build on the bottom of this page, thanks for reading this, hope to see you soon!


  • Tinnia_v0.exe 72 MB
    Sep 05, 2023
  • Tinnia_v0.7z 20 MB
    Sep 05, 2023
Download Tiña
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