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Milestone 1 Devlog

Chaotic Ocean
A downloadable game for Windows


Chaotic Ocean is a casual, cooperative top-down game.

The story:

"Chaotic Ocean" follows the story of "Captain Maur-Maur" and his fleet of pirates, who, in an attempt to explore the entire sea, find themselves in a serious predicament: Navigating the sea is more complicated than it seems! Now they have to reach the next island safe and sound, but can they make it?

Context and inspirations:

Since every member of the team likes "One Piece", we decided to make a game centered on the experience of sailing on the sea with a group of friends. 

In terms of gameplay mechanics, we aimed for a collaborative and chaotic game development approach, akin to titles like Overcooked and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.

With regard to art, we were inspired by the aesthetics found in games such as Cat Snackbar and BearBakery, phone games that have cute characters and landscapes. 

Game mechanics:

The main mechanic is to complete as many tasks (with a minigame format) as you can, while communicating and collaborating with your friends. These tasks will help prevent the ship from sinking, saving you and your crew from dying.

To achieve this, the game will have two different roles: Navigator and Crewmate.


The navigator is a special case inside of the ship. As the captain, the navigator has the task of maneuvering the ship. The navigator is the only character that can view the obstacles that are coming towards the ship, so the player must communicate with the other crew members so they can do something to avoid the obstacles.


The Normal crew members have to follow the navigator instructions to keep the ship afloat. 

There are posible minigames that they can do to avoid sinking:

  • Move the ship with boxes: Sometimes the rudder is not enough to avoid the obstacles so the normal crew must move the boxes to help move the ship. 
  • Cooking: The characters can cook to reduce the hunger of other crew members and avoid getting incapacitated.
  • Attack the sharks: Sometimes, sharks will come to attack the ship, so you will have to drive them away. 
  • Repair ship holes: The ship will eventually fall apart so you must fix it.

Progress made since the last Devlog:

  • We completed the lobby and main menu.
  • The implementation of character movement.
  • The main scene and environment.
  • The implementation of collisions with the ship.
  • The animation of water and ship movement.
  • Different roles in the game.

Current work:

  • Completing the character animations
  • Hunger/Anxiety Bars
  • Box movements
  • Water obstacles
  • Character and ship sprites


  • buildv230409.exe 69 MB
    Sep 05, 2023
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