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Frank's Kitchen 0.5 Update

Tiny Kitchen Demo
A downloadable game for Windows

This Update

This was a fun update.  I added an endless mode to the game, that allows you to just cook forever if that's your thing.  I realized that only having a score attack mode wasn't really what I wanted for the game.  Now, you can play your dream kitchen for as long as you want, and I even added the ability to save and load the game so that there is really no limit to it.  

The game also now has joystick support with Xbox controllers.  Previously only the D-Pad was supported.  I'll be honest, I think the game plays better on the D-Pad or with a keyboard, but I got some requests for the joystick so I added that in.

The third major thing in this update is a bug fix.  And it's a crusher.  Late last night, I realized a bug that caused customers to not spawn for certain players.  Being a cooking game, this literally made the game unplayable for some people.  For this, I am very sorry.  I identified an issue in the way I was testing the game before I put out new builds, and I'm confident something like this won't sneak past me again.

What's Next

With this last update, I think I'm finally finished putting out fires.  Which means I'll finally be able to move onto adding more content to the game.  First up, I want more events similar to the dinner rush.  I think the game play is pretty solid, but repetitive.   Having more events to shake up your work day will be a large improvement I think.  I have lots of ideas for this, but I'll share one that I'm pretty confident in.

At the beginning of this shift, you'll be notified that a kid is having their birthday at your restaurant today.  Kids prefer simpler food.  So rather than getting more money the more add-ons an item has, we are going to flip it, just for that day.  This way, you're going to need to change your restaurant to offer more recipes, but less add-ons.   For example, selling a plain burger and a plain hotdog is going to be better for you than selling 4 types of burger.  A challenge with this is going to be conveying this to the player in a short and sweet way, but I'll figure that out soon.

If all goes well, I hope to have version 0.6 out by next weekend with more than a few added events.  And probably more bug fixes that are bound to creep up.
As always, thanks for playing!


  • 61 MB
    Dec 01, 2018
Download Tiny Kitchen Demo
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