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29th August Bug Fixing Build

Beating Heart Alpha
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello! I was waiting for some bugs to be found so i could fix them! here is what i fixed today! but before i share that, i want to share this exciting video that i was not expecting!!

KUBZ SCOUTS PLAYED MY GAME!! Thank you so much jay! this means so much to me!

With that out of the way, here is everything that has been fixed/changed:

  • Fixed the mac build! Sakura’s textures were missing!
  • Changed the Earn 20 million yen achievement to just 10 million yen.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the police sequence from playing after the timer is up.
  • Fixed a bug that made students walk in their place.
  • The timer now stops at exactly 0:00 seconds instead of 0:02.
  • Fixed a bug that made the uniform stuck in Sakura’s hands forever.
  • Added washing machine sound effects.
  • Fixed bug that made you lose all money after buying a water bottle.
  • Fixed bug that made the task keys of Youki Tabashira dissapear.
  • Fixed bug that made the player call the police just for witnessing you holding a weapon.

That’s all for today! i want to mention that the alpha build is going to keep recieving updates and bug fixes! it does not represent the final game fully, and i will keep trying my best to improve it! Also! i did not expect so many people to download the MAC version, so my apologies for the broken version

Btw! if you are having trouble playing the game, right click the app, then “Show Package Contents” then right click the “MacOS” folder and then locate “Services” > “Open terminal at folder” then run this command on the terminal chmod +x Beating\ Heart. Thanks to nabrious for helping out!

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