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Monster Mystery V0.6

Monster Mystery
A downloadable game for Windows

Here's a patch going through some of the bugs of V0.5! Thank you for your feedback, I looked into all the bugs that were brought up to me, it's been really helpful- I've done my best to crack down on most of them! Thanks again!

Please be aware you cannot load a save from a later version of the game onto an earlier application- (If you save on V0.6, you cannot load it on V0.5 for example) ^vv^


  • New setting: Run in Background. Enable it to hear audio while the game is unfocused!


  • Game no longer freezes when being indecisive about team name
  • Game no longer freezes after defeating an enemy completely at random
  • You can no longer get multiple actions by mashing the attack button
  • Controls no longer randomly set themselves to bind the Hotkey control to left shift
  • A Magnamalo portrait sprite no longer overlaps with another
  • Pukei's flop and sleepy sprites are no longer strangely high
  • Level up and tutorial notification SFX no longer cut out abruptly when someone attacks
  • Fixed hover effects stopping their rotation cycle
  • NPCs can no longer illegally move diagonally even with a wall blocking them
  • Fixed the Antidote Scarf curing poison, it only prevents it instead, elaborated in the info panel


  • Added a small delay before you can pick personality quiz and monster selection choices to prevent slip ups where you select something you didn't want
  • Light flashing in the introduction has been dimmed a little, let me know if it's still harsh, and my apologies for any eye strain xvvx
  • Reduced the volume of the quest fail music slightly
  • Elemental throwing items are no longer part Physical damage
  • Elemental throwing items' elemental effectiveness increased dramatically (much less damage to resistances, much more damage to weaknesses)
  • All status skills are used less by NPCs by varying amounts (Genes will be present later that make NPCs smarter about using skills)
  • Status icons on HUD are now based on current stats and not only effects (Tech Boost will get rid of the Techseal effect icon for example)
  • All stage buffs are guaranteed to boost or lower a stat by at least 1 when initially applied
  • Changed Flee from Danger's tactic info from " away if it's in danger." to " away if it's low on HP." to avoid confusion
  • Clearsight's description now includes "prevents stun"
  • Changed the tutorial's elemental skill unlocked message to read "Skill" instead of "Move" (whoops lol)

There are still many bugs at large that I'm working on, but let me know what you think of the update and if you find anything wrong when you play it! ^vv^


  • 99 MB
    Aug 29, 2023
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