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Quick CheckIn

Tesla Simulator
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello Tesla Sim Fans,

This is not an update, but a check-in regarding what is to come with the next 'update' (I use quotation marks because this is not yet available for download). However, I'm still actively adding to the game and plan to one day open alpha testing before early access.

For this check-in, I want to let you all know that several issues have been fixed. Some are minor, like the front door sounds not matching the animations, while others are larger, like sometimes bringing up the phone causing the camera to start spinning. Additionally, new features have been added, such as ray tracing and world space UI interactions. One of the notable additions is the ability for players to load custom sound files in .mp3 format into the game for the showroom's music. Although work hasn't started yet, the in-car touchscreens will now be operational and fully usable before open alpha. A main menu has also been implemented, along with a loading screen. Furthermore, several textures and graphics settings have been overhauled. This includes the replacement of SSR with probes, and the reworking and customization of interior textures with all factory offerings.

That's about it for this check-in. If anyone wants to ask anything about the game, feel free to message me via Discord: squishylemon. Thanks for everyone's patience.

Best regards, Lemon

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