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First look on Glorp Zirp (24-08-2023)

Glorp Zirp
A browser game made in HTML5

Hi Rats

During this week and a half first sprint we reached our goals ! HooRAT

We’re talking about Glorp Zirp ! (title pending)

So now we have

  • A mockup of the game with initial tries of scale and position for the HUD and UI.

  • Some Aliens concepts, visuals and story

  • A build of the game in which the core gameplay loop is working

  • Initial rules and grammar for the Zirpean language; the universal alien language.

Would you look at that !

Also, our game art, Bnouait, talks about this week of work ! enjoy :

Hi ! My name is Benoit (Bnouait for friends), my work consists of taking care of the the artistic and narrative part of Glorp Zirp.

This week and a half was an interesting start. My primary goal to finish this sprint was to provide a mockup of the main game creating close-to-final assets to fit in the UI/UX studies my colleagues provided me. I also needed to add visual effects to help comprehend navigation.

Nothing shown is final, of course; we're exploring possibilities at every stage. However, we really like what the game could look like so far!

I've also designed the symbols used in the Zirpean alphabet (the language used in the game to communicate with aliens). I mainly based it on the fact that Zirpean is used as a common language in the solar system. Therefore, it's a language where quick and logical understanding by everyone is key. Based on these deductions, I decided to go for simple pictograms that refer to common situations, such as using a spaceship to 'go' and 'come,' and using understandable and simple gestures, like pointing a finger towards oneself or another to say 'me' or 'you.'

Furthermore, I've started designing several aliens, but since I don't know how many aliens the final version will include, I haven't focused on it more than necessary.

See you in the next Devlog!


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