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Baby's first jam!!! (Famelicus postmoterm!)

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Baby's first short jam!!! This was my first proper game for a "stereotypical" game jam! If we're being technical, Otome Jam 2022 was my first jam (and first ever game!) but Velox Fabula was my first jam that followed the rigidity and structure that follows with a typical game jam.

My friend Alatus posted a post-mortem/behind the making of "Oblivisci Memorias" a few hours ago and I thought I should probably try my hand at one of these! Thanks for the idea Al <3

I was never really sure if I was even join to join this jam, for a while I said no I wasn't going to, I had no ideas and I didn't want to solo it. This was about a month before the jam started.
I think about 2 or so weeks before VF started, my co-director posted a message in another server for a game we were both apart of, they were looking for team members because they were worried about solo-ing VF and didn't really want to.  I sent him a message saying I could help out if they needed people! 
She accepted my offer and we began voting on the themes! I was still a little nervous because the thing is, I'm good at coming up with ideas, just not under pressure. VF was exactly that. VF also started at 1am my time so I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to bring any good ideas when the theme was announced.


"Unreliable narrator" was announced.  I was asleep. Prior to my snoozing, I had written a list of ideas out on my notes app on my phone, so I could send ideas and then I would sort of still be apart of the decision process, even in my slumber!
I had a few ideas that I felt were strong, ideas specifically for "Magic is everywhere", "Sins of the past" & "Time loop". Unreliable narrator was one of my weakest ideas, although I had actually voted for this theme I couldn't think of a good idea. I was so hoping it would be anything but that.
Of course not.

When I woke up, I let "Andnonymous" know I was awake. He had written a few ideas down for this jam, based on the theme,  and we both weren't super set on one About an hour of brainstorming happened, by which point we both knew we wanted something that included vampires. "Andnonymous" & myself spent the next two minutes brainstorming a vampire idea, eventually, "Andnoymous" suggested the idea of a vampire that doesn't know they're one yet. I loved it!

Next was drafting. I wanted to do a draft of the game first before programming began. I wrote the first draft, here in lies a flaw of mine. For Famelicus I knew I had a tendency to add too much detail (waffle on), so I knew I had to keep the draft short because it's going to edited so It didn't matter if it was a little emtpy, we could add to it later. Well because I was  so focused on not waffling on, I actually missed a load of detail in that first draft and a lot got changed when it came to edit it. 
Thankfully so.

GO PLAY OUR GAME !!! (and a big thank you to those that have already!!)


  • 64 MB
    Aug 21, 2023
  • 69 MB
    Aug 21, 2023
Download Famelicus
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