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Star X Knight: 1 Year Later

Star X Knight: A Full-Hilt Story
A browser game made in HTML5

It’s been a funky year since the Revival Jam. And I’ve been pretty radio silent on things, given I’ve gone on a journey since then myself. After a bit of lost progress I came to the realization I was sort of writing by the seat of my pants, and it wasn’t to the stories benefit. I needed to reorganize, re-evaluate and even restart certain things to make a better product. It’s still happening but man, developing by yourself is uh… harsh. Not to say I’ve been entirely alone, but that I’ve had some issues, including hiring and losing many, many people in various departments. I’ve begun to wonder if I should just bite the bullet and learn the things I’d need to just do it all on my own, mainly music making and some competent level of sprite artistry. Those things, however, have been pushed to the back burner. Priority comes with coding, and writing. I can make it pretty when I go to present it after all. Thanks for staying patient, those that still care about this project. I’ll have a short story for this years Revival Jam, so stay tuned for that!

Download Star X Knight: A Full-Hilt Story
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