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Deep Dive into Game Development Progress: Unveiling the Enigmatic Fifth Day

Leather & Madness
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Deep Dive into Game Development Progress: Unveiling the Enigmatic Fifth Day

Hey everyone, how's it going? Time for another game dev update, and boy, do I have some exciting news to share with you all! I've finally wrapped up the fifth day of the game, and let me tell you, I'm seriously stoked about how it turned out. This chapter is a wild ride, and I can't wait for you to experience all the twists and turns I've cooked up for you.

So, here's the deal: the fifth day is divided into two parts, and they're both packed with action and mystery. In the first part, I'm taking you to this super eerie forest where all sorts of mysterious stuff is going down. Think classic horror vibes mixed with the kind of investigative tales you'd find in those Mythos and Cthulhu works. I've been channeling those spooky vibes, and I hope they give you the chills. Honestly, I'm really digging the atmosphere I've managed to create here.

Now, let's talk about the second half of the chapter. It's back to the "Leather & Madness" club where the weirdness continues. You can practically feel the tension building up, and you just know we're inching closer to those epic final moments. What's cool about this part is the replayability it brings to the table. Your previous decisions come into play, and let me tell you, unraveling all the different paths is going to take you some time. But trust me, it's worth it because you'll get to know our adventure's protagonists on a whole new level. I've been loving the chance to peel back the layers and share more about them.

Now, I won't spill the beans on the chapter's ending, but I will tease you with this: get ready for your very first "Game Over" screen. Yeah, you read that right. I've been cooking up something special for that, and I'm hoping it'll add a cool twist to the experience.

Apart from diving headfirst into the fifth day, I've also gone through and combed over practically every piece of text in the game so far. And let's be real, there's a good chance I missed some errors. That's where you awesome folks come in – your feedback and comments help me catch those pesky typos and glitches. So, keep 'em coming!

Oh, and let's not forget about the graphics. I've gone back to the drawing board on quite a few visuals. I had this nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right, and I wanted everything to look top-notch. And hey, these might not be the last changes either. I'm all about making things look as awesome as they can be, so let me know what you think of the character tweaks and CG updates.

Now, here's the part where I ask for your thoughts again. I wanna know how the fourth day wrapped up for you – the decisions you made, what you loved, what bugged you, and who your fave character is. Got any cool ideas for stuff you wanna see? Unfortunately, I can't just throw in polls on Itch, but seriously, your input helps steer the ship, so don't hold back.

So, once again, I'm throwing the ball in your court – drop those comments and opinions! I've noticed some folks giving the game lower ratings, and I'd love to know why. There's always room for improvement, but if I don't know what needs fixing, I'm kinda in the dark.

Alright, it's time to dive into this latest installment. Get ready to unravel the mysteries, make some tough choices, and enjoy the ride. Catch you on the flip side!

The Puppydragon


  • linux_leathermadness.tar 1 GB
    Version 9
  • 694 MB
    Version 12
  • android_leatherandmadness.apk 707 MB
    Version 10
  • 704 MB
    Version 9
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