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Like Shattered Glass Postmortem

Like Shattered Glass
A browser game made in HTML5

At first, I was nervous about releasing Like Shattered Glass because it's very different from my previous games, especially the SolChet trilogy. So thank you for all your support with this game and its companion, With Mirth in Funeral. It warms my heart knowing people are out there experiencing Evil and Zoomer's torrid tale. 

Without further ado, the postmortem...

The Writing

Like Shattered Glass was made for the O2A2 Visual Novel Jam 2023 - Queer Edition, with the limitations of 1000 words, 1 illustration, and 1 music track. Very practical for putting out a small game in a short timeframe!

My biggest writing challenge was introducing Evil and Zoomer without relying on all the background knowledge in my head. Presenting information in 1000 words was tricky! As a result, this game is written more like a novel than a script for descriptive freedom. There are some parts I'd smoothen if I was writing it again, but for now, I don't feel the urge.

Over the summer, I played through the game again and was astonished by what happens near the end. Evil, you madman! Evil and Zoomer enable each other and that's exactly why they deserve each other </3

The Art

Since O2A2Q is limited to just 1 illustration, I did a painting to make the most of it. I don't usually paint these days, so it was nice picking up the style again. The anatomy was a struggle but with the help of references, the results are fairly pleasing!

Both games involve Evil being shirtless. I don't know how this happened but it endlessly amuses me.

The UI

The user interface is deceptively simple. Since I wanted a seamless fit with the art, I ended up switching fonts like 20 times before settling on one. The layout was referenced from a previous game, Frankenstein's Catboy, which also has novel-like scenes. It's nice when you can pull from past experiences.

The cinematography was also fun! If not for the camera movements, this game wouldn't be half as impactful.

Future Plans?

Overall, I'm glad that people are enjoying Like Shattered Glass, especially if this isn't your usual type of story. Thank you for playing, and as always, feedback is much appreciated!

Although I can't say what my next release will be, Evil Batlet is often on my mind. At the moment, I'm invested in an Office AU featuring Evil and a different character, Hart, as they claw their way up the corporate ladder. It's just as intense as if they were criminals.

That's Hart :)

We'll see where the future goes. Until next time!


  • 53 MB
    Apr 13, 2023
  • 19 MB
    Apr 13, 2023
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